Blog Archive



Trícia Scott
"I support Carmen Hernandez for City Council member because I've had the pleasure of serving with her during community projects and witness the sincerity in her character. With Carmen, what you see is what you get. A person of integrity, honesty, and very knowledgeable of the community's issues. A refreshing dose of transperancy that Barstow needs. Good luck Carmen, I believe it's your time...Vote for Carmen!!!"

Betty Fernandez
"Honesty, caring and knowledgeable about what Barstow needs and the surrounding areas. Will be there for the people’s best interest!"

Ruben Arredondo

Al and Marie Foth
"Ms. Hernandez brings a well balanced background with her. She understands the needs and concerns of all the segments of the Barstow community and will fight for the everyday person."

Al Ramos

Julia Layden
"Carmen is a problem solver. She does careful research and then forms her opinion. She digs deep until she has the answers. She will be a great council member."

Carl and Yoshimi Sufall

Arianna Hernandez

Eddie U Garcia
"I endorse Carmen Hernandez for 2010 Barstow City Council."

Elizabeth Colon Hernandez
"Good luck to you Carmen!!! I know you can do it!!!!"

Heather Snedeker
"you definitely have my vote"

Celeste Maria Colon
"although miles away…the spirit of helping and sharing is in the blood if it matters any have my vote..and prayers…"

"i wish you the best of luck i fully support what you will bring"

Charles Waybright
"Carmen Hernandez has the right balance of knowledge, temperament and integrity."

Beverly Lowry

Victor Diaz
"I know her to be an honest and trustworthy individual who stands for truth, justice and the American values we all deserve."

Melba Guzman
"I have known Carmen all my life. She always was, is and will be tje most honest, trustworthy and hardworking person I know."

Wayne L. Snively

Pat Meagher
"I Endorse Carmen Hernandez for Barstow City Council"
Pat Meagher for Congress

Lupita Encinias

Luis M. Munoz
"I have know Carmen for over forty years and know that Carmen is a very trusting hard dedicated person and whatever she puts out to accomplish she will try her best to get it done and it will benefit the city of Barstow. She definitely has all my support for city council and we need someone like Carmen in the city council."

Miguel Hernandez
"You go ma"

Zulema Delgado
"We need more latino people like carmen."

Bob Conaway
"Carmen–Go go go. Love your energy. Why can’t people just figure out how far ahead of the game they’d all be to get you elected."
Bob Conaway for San Bernardino District Attorney -2010

Dory Dvoracek

Stefan Odziemek
"I’m glad your going to run for office."

Mark Shepherd
"YOU GO !"

Rev Robert Washington

Aida Tieso
Go Girl. A long time coming. You are the best. #one. You will make a difference and you will win. We are all on your team. Mom and Sis

Maureen “Mo” Bates
I have seen first hand how hard Carmen has worked for the City Of Barstow! If Carmen gives you her word…you can take it to the bank. Honest and Hard Working! We need Carmen Hernandez on the City Council! Go Carmen! You’ve got my Vote!

Jackie Conaway
We need Carmen. She will get the City in order and put people first. GO Carmen!

Jackie Conaway Candidate for the 25th Congressional District

Pat Aleman

you have my full support mrs. Hernandez. and i and backed by many individual, creative, minds at the high school.

Lester Steuenson

Mayra Fernandez
I can attest to you being an incredible city councilwoman. I’ve known you since I was seven years old. You are a person of incredible integrity, grit, true heart and caring for people. I am proud to call you my friend.

Teresa Denison

Dale Jensen

Carol Jensen
You have my vote!! Carmen for City Council.

Lisa Akers
Carmen, you are exactly what this city needs.


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Friday, June 17, 2011
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus aliquet elit eu lectus dapibus id commodo sapien euismod. Mauris cursus pretium risus vel sagittis. Suspendisse sed turpis neque. Nullam urna magna, lacinia eu ullamcorper vel, aliquet eget risus. Duis nec erat sapien, a dapibus dui. Integer ac neque vel dui imperdiet consectetur. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean auctor tincidunt dolor et luctus. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi lacinia, justo at ullamcorper tempus, enim lacus dapibus ipsum, at aliquam ipsum orci non ipsum. Nulla pellentesque pulvinar quam, eget molestie sem placerat non. Ut venenatis, turpis at dignissim bibendum, orci orci euismod diam, id vehicula justo lacus ut turpis. Cras varius nulla est, sed consectetur augue. Ut aliquet pulvinar orci, eu tristique ligula tristique in. Etiam molestie nibh ut lectus aliquet ac hendrerit risus tristique. Nullam iaculis quam vel augue porttitor commodo.